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I really really really really really (really) encourage you to go to rather than this page. Lots more bike touring, bicycle touring, adventure cycling, bikepacking... whatever we're calling it these days... there.

Jun 27, 2019

Part five of biking DC to Cincinnati. An epilogue story from my evening in Cincinnati, plus 11 takeaways from my trip from DC to Ohio.

DC to Cincinnati - Takeaways + Epilogue

For a preview of the ride, check out Pedalshift 162.
Part 1 on the C&O towpath - Pedalshift 165.
Part 2 on the Great Allegheny Passage -

Jun 20, 2019

The first crossover show with The Sprocket Podcast featuring a sit-down with co-host Aaron Flores. We chat about bike touring and a whole lot more. This was the show where "let's shrink the world by bike" came from! Originally podcast July 12, 2014. See also, Sprocket Podcast...

Jun 13, 2019

Part four of the DC to Cincinnati ride, covering the southern half of the Ohio to Erie Trail from Columbus to Cincinnati. Crossing my 700th mile of the ride, do I have enough left in the tank to make it to the end of the OTET?

DC to Cincinnati - Ohio to Erie Trail South

For a preview of the ride, check out Pedalshift...

Jun 6, 2019

Part three of the DC to Cincinnati ride, covering the northern half of the Ohio to Erie Trail from Cleveland to Columbus. A new trail brings new adventures crossing the entire state of Ohio. But will detours and headwinds put a snag in my plans?

DC to Cincinnati - Ohio to Erie Trail North

For a preview of the ride,...