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Dec 29, 2022

This has been a fantastic year for bicycle travel, and so the holiday spectacular is here once again to wrap up the top episodes, take a look back on all of the tours and adventures and assess each and every goal I set for myself for 2022. Happy New Year!

2022 Holiday Spectacular

Top Episodes
292: Touring Bike Essentials
290: Beginner Mistakes
295: Making Your Tent Stealthier
294: Minimalist Packing for a Credit Card Tour
280: The Missing Link - Part 1
286: Bicycling New York City
288: A Late Start on the C&O
Best of Pedalshift 099: Bicycle Tour Food
297: Empire State Trail Preview
A look back on the tours
New York
A look back on my 2022 goals
At least one new-to-me route
Check - not fully new, but hit new sections of SoCal and NYS
Fitness: lose the 2021 weight and keep it off
Nope. Full fail.
Revisit a route (or portion of one) I’ve only done once
Think about a remote work-tour option (work-ride-work-ride… something else?)
Partial credit. I did think about this, but touring options were limited this year. 
Continue to improve my stealth camping skills
Partial credit. I put a lot of thought and improved my gear, but didn't pull off the stealth camping I wanted to this year.
Repair or replace worn gear
Check! Replaced a number of worn and not repairable things like sleeping pad, duffel bag and more.
Organize bike touring equipment and improve storage
Check! Reorg of my cabin storage this week at the cabin and that will flow into the stuff I keep in DC. 
Episode 300/Millionth download celebration
Check! We did the live show and properly celebrated together for the millionth DL.