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Oct 26, 2023

On this edition, we explore the mental challenges that bikepackers and touring cyclists face during their journeys, and some tips on how to handle them.

The mental side of bikepacking and bike touring


  • Exploring the mental challenges that bikepackers and touring cyclists face during their journeys.
  • I am not a mental health professional - these are tips from my experiences. Work with a therapist or other mental health professional for deeper connection on these issues!
  • Mental stamina is possibly more important than physical ability when it comes to long-distance cycling adventures.

The Psychological Side of Bikepacking and Bike Touring

  • Mental and emotional aspects of bikepacking and touring
  • highs and lows of the journey
  • loneliness and isolation
  • Setbacks and adversity
  • Post adventure depression

Loneliness and Isolation

  • If this is an issue, consider group adventures
  • If you encounter this, find ways to connect but know that can sometimes reinforce the feelings after a call, etc.
  • Find ways to deflect - focus on what's around, be present... or connect with what grounds you (work on the bike, listen to music or podcasts)

Dealing with Setbacks and Adversity

  • equipment failures
  • adverse weather
  • navigation errors
  • maintaining a positive mindset and resilience in the face of adversity
  • mindfulness, positive self-talk, and visualization in maintaining mental stamina.
  • Finding Inspiration and Joy - scenery, encounters with locals, and personal growth
  • The power of gratitude and staying present to enhance the touring experience

Post adventure depression

  • Stunningly common
  • Readjusting to normal life after long tours is challenging
  • Give yourself some buffer time rather than just jump back in