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I really really really really really (really) encourage you to go to rather than this page. Lots more bike touring, bicycle touring, adventure cycling, bikepacking... whatever we're calling it these days... there.

Oct 28, 2021

As I said last time... sometimes bad ideas go good, and good ideas go bad. And then there's the latest bonkers idea of a tour I had... a game of chance. In the final installment, we learn preparation can sometimes be the key to a good tour, or it can mean you carry a lot in your panniers more for show.

A Game of...

Oct 21, 2021

Sometimes bad ideas go good, and good ideas go bad. And then there's the latest bonkers idea of a tour I had... a game of chance. In the first of two parts, let's see how random selection of route, direction and more makes for a tour. Where are we going - chance decides!

Fall 2021 Tour: A Game of Chance - Part 1

Oct 14, 2021

We just got done with a tour, but it's fall in my neck of the woods... so why not announce my Fall 2021 tour? On this episode I walk you up the mountain with Mookie and lay out how my next tour is really a big game of chance...

A 3 day ride that’s a true roll of the dice
PA road trip?
Like a Choose...

Oct 7, 2021

The Great American Rail-Trail, launched by Rails-to-Trails Conservancy nearly three years ago is a proposed network of nearly 4000 miles of off-road trails linking Washington, DC to the outskirts of Seattle, WA. Back in 2019, we chatted with Kevin Mills of RTC to get the scoop on this exciting project and what to expect...