Sep 27, 2014
Why I’m lukewarm on trying Warm Showers… Travel Insurance and why you may want it…The final tally - did I make money on my Pacific Coast tour?
Big congrats to Sprocket Podcast on their 200th episode. We have a ways to go for a monthly(ish) show to roll the odometer that much around here!
Next tours…
3 months(ish)
Circumnavigating Lake Ontario?
9 days
Pittsburgh-DC (for real this time)
5-6 days
Hoping to find time for some weekend ones this fall, maybe some
S24Os? Maybe some winter riding and camping? Happy to be home and
connecting with loved ones now.
Accommodations + Warm Showers
I run into a lot of people who love Warm Showers and couch
The price is right… free and sometimes bartered work
Why am I lukewarm?
I’d feel obligated to be social when I might not be in the
I like my own space and I’m willing to pay for it
I meet people in other contexts where there isn’t a layer of quid
pro quo
I realize my hesitations don’t really match others experiences!
What’s your Warm Showers experience like? Are you all in?
Your coverage may not work outside of your region, and almost
assuredly outside your country!
Learned I took a bigger risk than I thought in Canada
Supplemental travel policies are (often) insanely cheap compared to
the potential risk
Experiment: finding a good supplemental provider or see if notice
to my insurer is sufficient
Complication: Extended to insuring against theft, etc. can muddy
the waters
Insurance for bicycle tours (Traveling Two)
Long term cycling insurance (Shane Cycles)
thanks for the mail...wel i left the usa...i am now in
thailand,until the end of september,wil work until the end of
after 4 months of working wil leave for...i dont know
take care and maybe see you again,hugo
Thanks to Scott for mentioning Pedalshift amongst some big names - very honored!
Thanks for the feedback on Episode 006’s interviews with my fellow tourists. I hope to do a lot more of that. Speaking of, we got our first iTunes review and it was a happy five stars…
by Two wheeled tourist
So excited to hear a cycling podcast geared towards touring. So far this podcast seems promising, picking up where other rando/touring shows failed. Looking forward to new episodes! Would love to hear interviews with frame builders and people like Jan Heine of Bicycle Quarterly or other journalists and bloggers who specialize in this area of cycling!
A fall soundscape on the C+O trail between Harpers Ferry and Washington, DC… connections with a guest plus all of you… and much more, on the next Pedalshift Project.