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I really really really really really (really) encourage you to go to rather than this page. Lots more bike touring, bicycle touring, adventure cycling, bikepacking... whatever we're calling it these days... there.

Oct 26, 2023

On this edition, we explore the mental challenges that bikepackers and touring cyclists face during their journeys, and some tips on how to handle them.

The mental side of bikepacking and bike touring


  • Exploring the mental challenges that bikepackers and touring cyclists face during their journeys.
  • I am not a...

Oct 19, 2023

Look, we all know there’s some inherent risk in bikepacking, bike touring and even bike commuting. Between bad infrastructure and inattentive drivers, we assume some degree of risk every time we’re in the saddle. But as with anything, there are things we can do to make our bicycle adventures safer than by doing...

Oct 12, 2023

Weeks after the conclusion of my unusually successful adventure combining cycling and transit, what are my big takeaways? On this edition, the benefit of hindsight helps to put the trip into perspective!

PDX-SF2x - Takeaways

Day 1's takeaway - it's never as bad as you think it is (unless, of course it...

Oct 5, 2023

Almost everywhere, the cheapest bet to stay fed on bicycle tour is a town’s grocery store. On this episode, I cover my grocery store strategies on bike tour… from prep to pedaling off with panniers full of treats to chow on later! Originally podcast December 19,...